The Decorating Therapist

Interior Design for your Heart and Mind


Columbia, Maryland
(410) 922-9252

Collector’s Urban Rowhome Kitchen

In this couple’s eclectic and cozy living space, I took sentimental items from their previous living space(s), and combined them with new elements to meet their lifestyle and taste.


It all started with an enormous wall space with nothing hanging there, and a giant window to the left of it. Everything we featured on this wall had to be crisp and comfortably seen from all angles. So I created a scaled balance for her collection of: figurines, statues, masks, and metal work. I realized that I could do a combination of depths in shelving, and hanging art. So this arrangement could be flat, have depth, shape, and LOTS of movement. The asymmetry was now the exact force that gave it balance!


Now you ask, what kind of paint do you pick to go with all of this? Well, it can’t be a wimpy a color. With all of the color, tone and texture coming through in the art, you need a color that is really strong to be the background canvas. We went with Sherwin Williams 9031 Primavera.



Baltimore, MD
