The Decorating Therapist

Interior Design for your Heart and Mind


Columbia, Maryland
(410) 922-9252

Let’s Talk Lumens!

Seasons are changing and so is your lighting…

That’s right! It’s that time of year again and the sun is setting earlier and earlier. The natural light that we have gotten used to is becoming less and we need to rely on our interior, intentional lighting to brighten our homes.

Two of the most sought out projects for interior decor right now are, that’s right, you guessed it — light selection and window coverings!

No room is quite finished until those elements are addressed. Is your overhead lighting really giving you enough brightness in high traffic or occupancy areas? Do you need supplemental accent lighting on walls and task lighting for tables within your space? The best rooms need enough layered, balanced, and functional lighting to live, work and RELAX.


Raise your hand if you can’t stand the nighttime silhouette seen from outside when the lights are on. Ditto!

Window coverings are essential and a permanent fix to prevent that awkward problem from happening. When we inventory your home’s windows, we can order and install the perfect type of window treatment that fits your decor style and practical needs for each room.

By the time we are all set, your interior lighting will fit your vibe and function, while the windows are covered just perfectly to both properly share light and maintain the privacy you desire.

Planning no longer has to be cringeworthy. Start the process now, so we can take our time designing EXACTLY what you want, and let’s get your job booked along with an ordering schedule to ensure a timely delivery!