The Decorating Therapist

Interior Design for your Heart and Mind


Columbia, Maryland
(410) 922-9252


Let’s talk about flooring!

This is truly one of the most visual “bang for the buck” impacts you can make in a room.

I have recently been working closely with some clients to refinish their wood flooring to not just the same old color but to refresh it with a new updated hue. And with some we are changing the flooring material completely. Whether you change the wall color, the furniture or other elements in the room, changing the flooring can dramatically wake up a space.

Let’s talk about all of the factors you wish your floors would have:

  • better warmth factor in the winter
  • easier clean up for kids and pets
  • more stain resistance and less stain visibility
  • a more neutral/cooler tone instead of warm hues
  • more of a match for your current style
  • a more modern feel

These are very feasible goals! Let me help you with the best options on how we can make your flooring fabulous and functional!