The Decorating Therapist

Interior Design for your Heart and Mind


Columbia, Maryland
(410) 922-9252

Let’s Talk About Mudrooms


Who doesn’t LOVE a nicely designed space that’s JUST for unloading, literally.

A mudroom is a zone of the house where we can EACH have a space designated for our personal belongings that come and go with us–– keys, shoes, purses, computer bags, sports equipment, outerwear, pet gear. . .

Here’s just a few helpful things to think about before getting started!


1.) How many people?

It’s best to start designing with the right amount of people in mind. Ideally, EACH person should have a space versus sharing. Each cubbie should be individual, so you can spaciously unload and keep track of your day-to-day necessities. Make sure to take into consideration height. The cubbies should be comfortable for both adults and/or kids alike. So the adults don’t have to bend or squat, and the children don’t need a stool to reach their things. All should be within reach.


2.) Got pets?

Then boy is a mudroom going to be a lifesaver for you! I have designed such great spaces that not only include the above but also accommodate having pets and keeping them clean, your home clean, and their items organized. There’s a lovely ability to build in a short shower, which allows the pet owner to rinse off their animals in an easy ergonomic fashion. We also have great compartments to store pet food, toys and walking accouterments so everything stays in one central location to care for them.


3.) Must haves?

Work from the outside in. Think of everything that comes into the house that you wish you had a landing for. Here’s just some of the things we tailor each square inch to include solutions for:

• landing spot for grocery bags
• shoe organization
• bench seating to put on/off shoes
• bag and coat hanging
• pet shower and item storage
• laundry machines and folding station
• outerwear storage- hats, gloves, scarfs
• appropriate lighting so you can see
• vanity zone for a last minute look