The Decorating Therapist

Interior Design for your Heart and Mind


Columbia, Maryland
(410) 922-9252

Let’s Talk Planning

If you have an event coming in the Spring, we plan well in advance.

If I could wiggle my nose, and have everything timely unfold, I would. But unfortunately in the interior decorating world, sadly that’s not reality. Every project takes months of planning, purchasing, and then… WAITING! Things take time to arrive, namely custom furniture which can take months.

Within the past few weeks, I’ve had lots of people ask me about kitchen remodels that they would like to accomplish by this summer. I SO wish I could meet the demands of these requests!! IF we start a kitchen this spring, we would be lucky if it could be done by September or October.




It’s not just designing the plan and creating those plans to be exactly what you want, but it’s ordering all of the materials so when the contractor is ready to start, everything has arrived! If you’re determined to make some changes, I would be happy to give you some guidance FOR THE QUICK FIX, some immediate results. And if you’re ready for the long haul of detailed perfection, then let’s get started!