The Decorating Therapist

Interior Design for your Heart and Mind


Columbia, Maryland
(410) 922-9252

What Designers Should be Telling You

So, you’ve spent a ton of time perfecting your design plan and have ordered that gorgeous new sideboard and custom upholstered sofa with what you thought was plenty of lead time to have it all in place for ”that special day”.


Well, they should have told you and you need to know… it may not happen as planned. On almost all of my major projects we are encountering staggering turnaround times, and yours may also.

You heard it here!


Stock items are taking MUCH longer than usual and lead times for anything custom are up to three times what they would have been a year ago. What might have taken a week or two for internet orders are upwards of 4-6 weeks and custom work is now up to six months plus. So, if you have a date that you want to have all of your home renovations completed by,


Communicate that to your designer so the two of you can work backwards and make sure your target date and design goals can meld, while staying on time and on budget.